Mittelrhein-Museum in Koblenz am Mittelrhein
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Rheinfels Castle

Burg Rheinfels am Rhein bei St. Goar

Experience the adventure of a lifetime: Discover the secret tunnels and catacombs under the majestic Rheinfels Castle on the banks of the Rhine.

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Sch?ouml;nburg von Kaub aus gesehen in Oberwesel am Mittelrhein

Schönburg in Oberwesel is an imposing castle complex on the Middle Rhine in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany with a rich history and breathtaking views.

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Engers Castle

Schloss Engers am Mittelrhein

Engers Castle, an impressive baroque residence, captivates with its beauty and history.

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Roman Castle Boppard

R?ouml;merkastell in Boppard am Mittelrhein

The Roman Castle Boppard is an impressive historical landmark, providing a glimpse into the Roman history of the region.

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Loreley Visitor Center

Besucherzentrum an der Loreley, Mittelrheintal, Deutschland

The Loreley Visitor Center provides insight into the legends and stories around the Loreley and offers a breathtaking view of the Rhine.

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Mittelrhein-Museum Koblenz

Mittelrhein-Museum in Koblenz am Mittelrhein

The Middle Rhine Museum in Koblenz unites art, culture, and history of the Middle Rhine Valley, bridging the past to the present.

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Middle Rhine sights